You just missed out!

We'll be providing Alumni Packages again during the 2019 WGI Season. Stay Tuned!


Check out the rest of the alumni page below to stay in touch, find your X Number, and donate to Rhythm X, inc. to help keep our programs alive and growing!

For thirteen years Rhythm X has been a voice in the WGI arena and beyond. We're working hard to keep things moving forward but we know that's all possible because of our past. 

Haven't been in touch in awhile? Please fill out the form below and let us know what you're up to! 

Keep in touch!

Rhythm X is a thriving community because of our alumni. The new X Numbers are a testament to that fact. We know how important you, our alumni, are so please take the time to fill out this form. We'll put you on our mailing list and take pride in your connection to us!

Some members of X12.

Some members of X12.

The battery in X02.

The battery in X02.